Terms of Uses

Welcome to Light Vision LLC. These Terms of Use govern your use of the Light Vision LLC Website, the ZendaNote application, and the Mail-It Now application (collectively, the “Service”), all of which are operated by Light Vision LLC. This Agreement uses the terms “Light Vision LLC” and “the Service” interchangeably, and the use of one term shall be considered to encompass the other. Any information provided by you is being provided to Light Vision LLC and is subject to our Privacy Policy (which you may review by clicking on “Privacy Notice”). You may have come to the Service from the United States Postal Service’s or another third party’s site, and information you provided while on that site will be governed by their privacy policy. Please read it carefully.

This End User Agreement (the “Agreement”) between you and Light Vision LLC governs your access to and purchase of products and services from Light Vision LLC (this Agreement uses the terms “Light Vision LLC” and “the Service” interchangeably, and the use of one term shall be considered to encompass the other). By establishing an account with a username and password, you agree, on your own behalf and on behalf of any entity which you might represent, to accept and be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Your use of the Service and any purchase of products or services, now or in the future, indicates your continued acceptance of this Agreement. You agree that the electronic acceptance of this Agreement is intended to have the same force and effect as if this Agreement were physically signed. In addition, when using particular Light Vision LLC services, you are subject to any posted guidelines or rules applicable to such services. All such guidelines and rules applicable to such services are incorporated by reference into and are subject to this Agreement.